Archive for November, 2014

The English language was created by sorcerers, English was made for spells and curses with it’s characters. English is a 180 degrees male denominated external world based language and is missing half of its potential energy for a complete 360 degrees which is perpetual energy. Language is a human’s evocation. English being written left to right displays it’s inorganic trait because the brain naturally reads right to left. Through etymology many words in English when read right to left can decode the complete and hidden intent of the word. When reading religious scriptures in English that have been translated from it’s original ancient language the reader should be aware that the English version may misconstrue the scriptures as only external events and people due to the English language’s 180 degrees male translation. Purposely encoded to be incomplete of the scriptures full intent.

The English language is a half of its full evocation potential and fitted for a male dominated society. It is the male component, 180 degrees of 360, the same way 26 is half of 52. Written left to right which is backwards because the brain naturally reads right to left. When certain words are read backwards it will reveal the word’s full intent also through using etymology and gematria will decode English. Religious books such as the bible that have been translated and re-written from a complete language like hebrew into a half language with only its male component like English, the message may become misconstrued to readers that are unaware. For example: In Hebrew “he” means “she” and the numbers used for the chapters and verses have additional meaning within
the bible and many other religious books.

English is a witchcraft language and the most complex language on earth, many words spelled the same may have several meanings. The Black’s Law Dictionary is the definitions of English words used by the society’s hierarchy against its citizens. It is the language above the common english language used by the masses. This angle of the english language is used by courts, churches, government institutions and is one of the many reasons Attorneys represent citizens in court because the lawyer is the interpreter for the citizen. This separation of the English creates a feudal system through language that’s why citizen are forced to call a court magistrate judge, “your honor” in a court of law. U.S. Citizens are only 14th amendment citizens and under jurisdiction with no sovereign rights.

English is a witchcraft, occult and sorcerer’s language with many elements binded together to form the language. There are many ways to decode English via Etemology, reading words backwards. Also Gematria which is an Assyro-Babylonian system of numerology later that assigns numerical value to a word or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself. Numbers are a separate language used on top of English and Gematria is used within the bible and many other religious books.



The great Tehuti, Ase

Appearance: He is portrayed as a man with the head of an ibis wearing a crown of a full and a crescent moon; always writing. He may also appear or in purely animal form; as either an ibis or a baboon.
Symbols: Ibis, Baboon, pen & tablet or papyrus (writing implements), Full and crescent moon.
Principle: Resonance – (word/sound/power)
Function: Communication

Tehuti’s powers are concerned with the recording of ‘facts’ or ‘data’ for a cosmic memory that when necessary may reveal its ancient wisdom to whoever calls for it. Tehuti’s energy is said to break through mental barriers; it allows information to become known and secrets or ‘lost’ or ‘forgotten’ ideas to be revealed.

Tehuti assists in the discovery of ‘lost knowledge’ but he communicates more directly with the mind in such a way as is said to ease mental confusion. He may be called upon when learn-ing new skills and languages (especially symbol systems such as programming or codes), as he is patron of scholars and scribes. He is one of the patrons of divinatory activities (such as libation pouring – an act of tapping into the cosmic memory).

Tehuti was the inventor of writing and language and was therefore the patron of professionals known as scribes. Tehuti gave Medu Neter (the Kemetic term for hieroglyphs) or “NTR’s words” – to humankind.’ As such he is interpreter and advisor of the neteru. Recognised as magically powerful, only the elite, it is said were allowed to learn to read and write these hieroglyphs. Others had to make do with cursive writing.

Tehuti is the guardian of divine order, of all rituals and of secret knowledge. He is also the god presiding over magicians and all learning. He represents the em-bodiment of all scientific and literary attainments. He was in command of the House of life (Per Ankh) which was a revered resource centre accessible only to scribes and contained a wealth of knowledge recorded on papyri – all under the protection of Tehuti (for example medical manuals and instructional documents).
In the hall of judgement; he is record keeper, he records the verdict of Ausar. At the end of a person’s life; their judgment on how they lived is assessed by weighing their heart against a feather of truth (Ma’at). Tehuti’s presence is re-quired for the Weighing of the Heart. It is his duty to record all the souls entering the ‘Duat’ (underworld).

Both the Ibis and the Baboon, Tehuti’s symbols suggest lunar symbolisms. The Ibis’ curved beak suggests the crescent of the moon which is always shown in his crown. The Baboon on the other hand is said to become agitated at dawn. Arm waving and chattering has been interpreted as a greeting to the rising sun by creatures of the moon ntr. According to one myth; ‘the eye of the baboon watched out for scribes who abused their power by applying it to illicit self-gain. As record keeper he was depicted in coronation scenes as listing the names of kings and the years of their rule.

As a moon god Tehuti’s responsibilities include the calendar, the measurement of time, and mathematics. When Nut was forbidden from giving birth on any day of the year (during the time when years were still only 360 days long); it was Tehuti who intervened and by beating the moon in a game of senet (a board game similar to chest) managed to win enough light to create an additional five days referred to as ‘days upon the year.’ On each of these days Nut was able to produce one of her offsprings (said to be ASR, AST, Seth, Nephthys and Heru). These days were then added to the calendar and originally did not form part of any month year. The Greeks later referred to these as ‘epagomenal days’ ‘unlucky days’ or ‘the days of the demons.’ How ever we need to be careful with our value judgements of lucky or unlucky as well as how our interpretation of demons may have changed over time.

The skill of his words is said to bring order to warring factions in Egypt itself, (“the peace of the gods is in him”) but he could be merciless to enemies of truth; decapitating them and cutting out their hearts.
In the myth of Ausar, Auset and Heru, Tehuti protected Auset during her preg-nancy and healed the eye of her son Heru which had been wounded by Ausar’s brother and adversary Seth. He is an advocate of Heru, who he is shown (on temple walls) with him in the ritual of pouring ankhs (signs of life) over the mon-arch between them. See illustration
As one of the outstanding divine figures in the Kemetic Neteru; His main cult centres were found all over Egypt, from Nubia in the south to Lower Egypt. His identification with the Greek Hermes ‘trismegistos’ = three times great, appears to come from one of Tehuti’s epithets found in the temple of Esna: ‘Djeheuty pa aa, pa aa, pa aa’ – Tehuti the great, the great, the great. Tehuti was worshipped through out the country from the Old Kingdom onward. His main cult centre was in Central Egypt.

“In the individual’s search for enlightenment – Tehuti is the symbol of right rea-son; our link to the higher-self. Once we decide to pursue the Divine, the strug-gle becomes a holy war against ignorance and illusion within ones conscious-ness. If the process is misunderstood, the energy of the struggle becomes di-rected to the world outside of oneself in the form of political/ relig-ious/social/ethnic/gender etc. conflicts.” (- Muata Ashby).

Personality Traits

From the patron of the scribes – we can expect those born during this period to display the following personality traits:
A remarkable capacity for analysis
Direct, mental communication that lead to light-bulb moments.
Sometimes a razor sharp truth that cuts through fog.
Painstakingly careful to the point of being nitpicking and pedantic and precise regarding detail
Enquiring mind
Most self critical (but dislike being criticized by others)
Usually the one to initiate, plan and organize events
An abundance of mental energy
Excellent memory
Neat and methodical
Sociable and amenable
Practical, reliable, loyal and dependable
Suitable occupations include writing (including music/symbolic writing)
Natural entertainers*
Excellent teachers and lecturers
Tendency to be extravagant (money burns a hole in their pockets)*

Body parts
The parts of the physical body usually linked to Tehuti are abdominal or-gans, small intestines, duodenum and colon.

Gemstones –
Peridot and Sapphire
Both said to be stones used in the breast-plate of high priests. Peridot is said to regulate cycles (e.g. physical/mental/emotional/intellectual and life cycles. It helps with a bruised ego by reducing anger and inspiring happiness. As a heal-ing stone, peridot can be used in the treatment of disorders of the heart, lungs, spleen and intestinal tract. Also said to improve nearsightedness and provide re-lief from ulcers.

Sapphire brings lightness and joy, with depth of beauty and thought to the user/wearer. Also known as a stone of prosperity, sapphire is said to sustain the ‘gifts of life,’ while peridot is said to have a warm and friendly energy.

Other Correspondences for Tehuti:
Neter Tehuti
Season Inundation
Month Panchons / September
Planet Moon
Element Earth
Body part Colon
Gemstone Peridot & Sapphire
Tree Citrus/quince
Food Orange
Flower Marigold
Colour(s) Yellow, orange, rust brown
Number(s) 8, 5
Incense/Perfume Narcissus
Metal Silver, white gold or platinum
12 Tribes of Israel Zebulun

Suitable Occupations Writing, journalism, entertainment agents and managers



The Spanish language was created by our ancestors. When the Moors ruled Spain they grafted a dialect called Castillean in order to translate their science, which was in Arabic (another language created by Africans in the Sudan) into a Latin based language that the European populace could understand. This language was also called Moorish Latin.



Cats are magical creatures. A true feline/feminine energy. They are able to see in the dark; and catch what we may miss. Cats are a very powerful spirit tool and are a representation of their owner (although cats belong to the universe; as all other totems). The cat itself is a goddess. Smooth, soft moving, swift, calculating and KNOWING.

Catnip is an aphrodisiac for cats and puts them a trance intoxicating like state. Bond with your cat and create your desires through your pet.

Planet: Venus
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Keywords: Cat Magic, Love, Happiness, Beauty, Joy, Life Force, Menstrual Cycle, Acceptance.

Deities: Bast/Baset, Pasth, Freyja, Ai-Apaec, Li Shou, Ovinnik, Hecate, Ceridwen.

Healing Use: Catnip soothes stomach aches, bloating, and nausea caused by mucus symptoms (cold/flu). Also promotes an increase to your menstrual flow. Should NOT be taken by pregnant women!!

Spiritual Uses: Catnip is a bedtime tea; add herb to your tea of choosing. This will calm nerves and encourage wonderful dreams.

Can aid in acceptance, in matters you may have trouble getting over.

Magical Use: WHERE SHOULD I START!!!!!!

Add to love magic. Will enhance beauty, attraction, joy and happiness.

Move energy; acceptance and understanding.

Spread or grow around house to attract good spirits and luck.

Feed to your cat to create a psychic bond. Tap into your cats ability to see in the dark, uncover secrets or obtain sacred wisdom from the universe.


This is being shared as an FYI and not for fear, know your enemy, Ase


When it comes to getting married or linking our (higher)selves and souls together with our partners in order to become one, and form the holy matrimony, hieros gamos, or what we now call S.E.X/sacred energy xchange – there are a few key fundamental/alchemical keys we have to remember if we want to connect and create life/realities with our partners from the divine god-self. first off, TRUST in your partner is the key (foundation) that solidifies your love and allows you to open up your heart/temple to them, u cant transcend the animalistic/reptilian(cerebellum) brain and align the root/groin with the heart without at least having trust in ur partner which catalyzes the heart chakra to open up to them.

once the trust in your partner and in your relation-ship is solidified/grounded, you can then say that you truly (love) that person and will be able to open your heart-chakra to them and allow them into your aura on a higher vibrational level. but when it comes to connecting and creating/manifesting on the highest vibration, this is where our intention/visualization– care/intimacy comes in at in order for us to generate a powerful energy pool/magnetic field and have S.E.X/sacred energy xchange from the cerebrum god brain to solidify the holy union/marriage by the intertwining/connecting with our divine masculine and divine feminine energies directly (hieros gamos/true marriage). notice, trust and care/intimacy are the main elements missing from our relation-ships nowadays, everyone are stuck at animalistic humping with no true (love) or spiritual value, Ase


***GRAPES*** 🍇🍇🍇

In Ancient Rome pictures of grapes were painted onto the walls of gardens to ensure fertility. Hang pictures of grapes around your home if you are wishing to bring fertility and growth into your sacred space.

Grapes hold spiritual energy and increase mental fertility, opening us up to meaningful dreams and visions. 🍇🍇🍇

Grapes have many healing properties such as; preventing the body from cancers and skin illnesses, protecting the skin from radiation, improving brain power, as well as keeping a healthy heart. 🍇🍇🍇🍇

Use grape seed oil on the skin to keep silky. 🍇🍇🍍

After shower; mix grape seed oil with salts and use as a foot scrub to remove excess hard skin buildup on the soles or your feet. 🍇🍇🍇

Keywords: Silk, Softening, Fertility, Money, Mental Powers, Garden Magic
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Deities: Any God or Goddess associated with wine offerings may also be receiving to grapes Hathor, Dionysus/Bacchus; BMbaba Mwana Waresa; Osiris

Spiritual Uses: Eating grapes or wine (made from grapes) is said to increase a woman’s fertility. 🍇🍷

Magical Uses: You can put a bowl of grapes outside next to your plants as an offering, then spread them into the ground and give them back to the universe as a thank you for the usage. 🍇🍇🍇 Ase

Place grapes on your altar as an offering in money spells. Or simply hang pictures


What is marriage?? Well …. It’s not walking down an aisle, kissing & signing some papers. That’s for sure. It’s the union between two sex cells to make a new life. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Mary is the same tone as MARRY? The words tells me what MARRIAGE is.

epigambreuō = marry
EPIC (word, tale, story) EMBRYO
The story of the embryo.

gameō gä-me’-ō
marry, married, marry a wife

(Btw, this is where the word poly GAMY comes from).

A sex cell is called a gamete whether it be sperm or egg. Gamete = Kemet = chemistry = Kem my story. My black story. And THATS what marriage is. Ase


Your body is an oven on a constant 98.6 degrees. You continue to cook food when you eat? You eat dead meat that’s slow to digest, is it not rotting & cooking in your body? Then we wonder why we are sick. Your body is a chemical machine. We are in ignorance. We need to get it right Ase


Dr Sebi said something to the effect that either you’re eating it or its eating you. Consider that 8 (infinite) = ate. Anagram of ate = tea = chai = CHAYAH = life. Eat = ET = extra Terrestrial = alien (a lion) = alyun= the most high. You are suppose to Eat from the womb of your mother, being earth foods. To become & grow into being one with the universe or s Deity (god). Deity/Diet. There are 40 million clues around you that tells you how you are to eat/tea= live. Surely you see eat in the word dEATh. A lot of these holy days has incorporated eating into them too. New Years, Valentine’s Day, EASTER, Memorial Day (cook out), July 4th (cook out), Labor Day (cook out), Halloween (candy), Thanksgiving & Christmas. All centered around FOOD! Food or fooled? You tell me. Ase


Black Friday stemmed from slavery?
This was the day after Thanksgiving when slave traders would sell slaves for a discount to assist plantation owners with more helpers for the upcoming winter (for cutting and stacking fire wood, winter proofing etc.), im so glad I don’t participate in they beasts helladays! Ase


Snakes are different than Serpents, snakes only slither on the ground and serpents stand upright. Spiritually serpents are known as the naga serpentine kundalini energy that is dormant inside the body at the bottom of human’s spine. When fully risen the serpent energy stand upright from the root chakra to the crown chakra. The ancients left many statutes and blueprints displaying the serpentine energy of the fully activated human. The headdress of Kemetic statues mirrors the head of a king cobra. The word Serpent is an anagram for the word present which is you being fully present in all dimensions at once when fully activated. The word Serpent is also synonymous with the word messiah. Ase


I’m about tired of social media & technology in a way, technology has gotten us farther from ourselves and when there is no community the people suffer, there was a time when none of this technology existed & community & communication was at a high point even telepathy( pictures, words & feelings) I want this so much. Ain’t nothing like face to face communications, many misunderstandings and relationships with people have happened & severed because of it. Let’s get it right family, Ase


The creator and nature has never been separate from one another. They are one and of the same. The creator is manifested in all natural living things. Spend some time observing nature, you cannot deny the essence of ‘God’ exists. When you connect with nature you therefore connect back to the divine source. There is no separation. Our ancestors understood the laws of nature and the universe and that nothing could exist without the other. Our ancestors did not worship the Sun or nature they paid reverence to all natural living things because they understood the interconnectedness with the divine source. Then comes religion which up to this very day is rooted in these very same so-called pagan concepts changing the symbol of the Sun to a Son and now expecting everyone to ‘worship’ a male image whom they would like us believe is ‘God’. So now we are lead to believe that we are more righteous in our ways if we worship an image of a man as our creator rather than pay homage to the creator through nature. You see the men who founded these patriarchal based religions did not like the idea of polytheism in that our ancestors referred to the forces in nature as deities and thus we were labelled pagan and monotheism was then forced upon them. I’m sorry to break it to you but all your religions are hidden in what you refer to as pagan worship by essentially changing the forces in nature(deities) to that of man made characters and that’s how religion emerged, through mythology. In indigenous African spirituality there has always been a belief in one god or creator. There is such a flare of arrogance and ignorance among religious folks that I find extremely annoying. It would benefit some individuals greatly if they were to research the origin of their belief systems thoroughly before speaking against something they have no overstanding of. I once was of this mindset but I dared to use my common sense and logic and tap into my ancestral knowledge.

And that’s why we need culture, community(commune, unity, uni, one) wake up Elder Queens & teach these younguns how to be cultural women. We been sleep & separated for far to long. Turn from ages of disobedience & return to the ancient ways, that’s why we all in a sham now, stop being selfish to one another & come together! Cover your asses up! That’s not for the whole world 2 see only your mate sistahs! ASE

Most people in the world are only existing but not living. They are in a coma like state, unable to see or realize that they are plagued with artificial intelligence. A world filled with artificial people, having artificial thoughts due to having artificial mindsets, having artificial personalities, only to associate with artificial friends, just to have artificial conversations over artificial foods, just to go to sleep at night, and wake up just to do it all over again. WELCOME 2 THE WORLD OF ARTIFICIAL LIFE!!!

The masses have allowed this controlled and dumb-downed society to dictate and manipulate their subconcious mind, causing them to forfeit their own “planetery rights”, just so that those that are controlling and influencing this world/society can “live” through each individual, in hopes to build their empire on the backs of slaves. People will chase after everything under the sun in hopes to finally reach the plateau of “success”, but will not use that same energy in order to RECAPTURE and RECLAIM their own soul. My question is, what is “success”really? what does it look like or feel like? By who’s definition of “success” are you being driven by? The answers to these questions are very important for one who seeks to break out of this artificial world, that’s being occupied by artificial people.

Dreams have become artificial, desires and even what we think of as “needs” are now artificial. This world we are living in (not to be confused with the beauty of the planet), has aroused our lower nature, and in return, we have given in to it’s demands and “needs”, forsaking our higher nature for instant and tangible stimulations and illusionary sensations. Think about it, everything we now do isn’t even for higher stimulation or purposes, it doesn’t take us higher or ignite our fire within. We do things just to feed our lustful appetites…our appetites for destruction.

Sex has become nothing more than reaching a climax. People never truly innerstand the transaction that is being made between 2 people…2 souls. The possibilities of where sex can actually take the 2 are endless!! If they weren’t seeking after artificial needs and trying to fulfill their artificial desires/fantasies. We engage Continue reading