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One must overstand the human body is a vessel which means other life forces can also enter it and control your vessel. EAT RIGHT TO BE RIGHT, RESPECT YOUR TEMPLE, GUARD IT FROM INTRUDERS, KEEP THE FLESH & TOXINS OUT & TURN THEM TVS OFF ASE RISE UP.






Scientific study in Japan has suggested that alkaline water is effective in detoxifying the body and destroying cancerous cells.

This claim by Japanese scientists is of importance to everyone around the world and particularly in the West which has the highest prevalence of cancer cases.

Japan is also known to have a large elderly population and the highest life expectancy in the world, so their scientists claim cannot be easily ignored and written off as mere speculation.

Acidity and Alkalinity

The PH value is used to differentiate between acidity and alkalinity. Any substance with a value below 7 is regarded as acidic while if the value is above 7 then it is alkaline.

Rain water has a PH value that is considered as neutral because its PH value is 7 on the dot.

The human body is complex and our organs have different PH values, however an organ with a high acidity PH value is not preferable as that organ could be greatly damaged.

Importance of alkaline water

In this day and age of processed foods forming a majority of our daily diet our body has tended towards being more acidic than our ancestors who ate natural growing crops.

Eating sugary, salty or highly processed foods will increase the acidity of your body. Caffeine will also raise your acidity levels a notch. When you have a high acidic level your body reacts with symptoms of fatigue, weakness, abdominal pains and susceptibility to opportunistic diseases because of a weak immune system.

The high acidity in your body will damage cells and tissues and can have cells become malformed or malignant in the process.

Drinking alkaline water will help regulate the level of acidity in your body, so that you return to perfect health.

Alkaline water destroys cancerous cells

Alkaline water will destroy cancerous cells without damaging healthy ones. Taking alkaline water will also keep you more hydrated than normal water. When you drink alkaline water you will improve your health greatly.


Preparation of alkaline water


– Himalayan salt – 1 teaspoon

– Clean filtered water – 2 liters

– Quarter sliced organic lemon – 1 qty


– Get a glass jar and have it filled with clean filtered water.

– Next, put the lemon in the jar of water, don’t squeeze the lemon.

– You then add the single teaspoon of Himalayan salt to the water.

– Then you place the lid of the jar on and let it sit overnight and at room temperature.

– The next day drink before breakfast drink about three glasses of the alkaline water.


You will begin to look and feel healthy once you make alkaline water a part of your health routine.


U know what family, im feeling it’s time for true people to come together for true community, these electronics, especially cell phones aint safe & this beast about to do more wicked shit! Real talk! Especially with, microwave energy, emfs, radiation, etc. Stay protected in your pyramids, there is strength in true unity family! Im really feeling what im saying yall, Ase

Break free, break free from this beast system, grow your own foods, create your own clothes, clean your own water, reclaim your inheritance, your natural born rights, break free from addictions, squash distractions, barter, create your own businesses, do for self, for the good of the community, stop being apart like in apart-ments, the beast can’t Stand unity! This right here we living in is hell, create your private, peaceful spaces. Stop being selfish. Women, seastars be good, righteous powerful women, cover yourselves, honor & respect yourselves & your men. Men stand for your women, protect & love her, provide for her & your children. This time is short we need to rise & do all we can, stand firm, stand strong together. This ain’t a one man or woman show! We need each other. Build again, the beasts took that away yrs ago. Take it back!!! The great rising of the few is drawing near!!! Ase 131313

Locs are more than just a symbolic statement of disregard for physical appearance. Both Eastern and Western Traditions hold that bodily, mental and spiritual energies mainly exit the body through the top of the head and the hair. If the hair is knotted, they believe, the energy remains within the hair and the body, keeping a person more strong and healthy.
An excellent example from Western tradition is biblical Samson, whose unsurpassed strength was lost when Delilah cut off his *seven* locs of hair. In classical India, all students on the spiritual path were directly enjoined by their scriptures to develop locs as a means to detach them from physical vanity and aid them in the development of bodily strength and supernatural mental and spiritual powers. 131313

~The Wizard of Oz pt 3~

Toto; the ugly or cute; (depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog. Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him. The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded. Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain the court, saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about. Who was behind the curtain? Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority. When Toto pulled back the curtain to completely expose him, the charade was over.

The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts was removed. The Wizard’s game was up. It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is. How about your bark? Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal master gives you? Let’s not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What a perfect mythical creature to symbolize the Bar Association Attorney’s who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz – Gold. What is it going to take to expose the Wizard and tear down the court veil for what they really are? Each of us needs only a brain, a heart and soul, and courage. Then, and most importantly, we all need to learn how to work together. Only “in toto,” working together as one Body can we ever be free. ~Nationalize~ 131313

~The Wizard of Oz pt 2~

The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself. Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was. Did you ever notice how bullies are really the biggest cowards? They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all. All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up. When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition. Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority. He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.

What about the trip through the field of poppies? Notice how it never affected the Straw Man (no brain) or the TIN Man (no heart or soul)? They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them. The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged? The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries. Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars. The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world? Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was?

The Wizard of Oz pt 1~ = The Crown Temple: This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum. What symbol does “Oz” stand for? Ounces. What is measured in ounces? Gold. What is the yellow brick road? Bricks or ingot bars of gold. The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a PERSON – the Federal U.S. Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name. Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz? A brain! No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life! What did he get in place of a brain? A Certificate. A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation. He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted.

Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense. What about the Tin Man? Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you? The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning. He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul. He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead. He’s the ox pulling the plow and the mule toiling under the yoke. These days, his task masters just oil him nightly with beer and place him in front of a hypnotic television until his very existence no longer has any meaning or value. His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.

I guess people don’t want to build no more, it takes 2, quality conversation seems rare these days, I can always conversate with myself lol. I’m beginning to see more of what I need to do daily, there are so many distractions out here, I gotta remain focused & in tune with myself. Times are changing, events are happening. Soon all that is suppose to be, will be. I long for that day. Someday the small family that’s rising will rise together, here & when we leave. Ase


It’s so simple on social media to click like & comment on something but what are u really doing for your greater good behind closed doors, hmmm something to make u think about & if presented & opportunity to do something for the good of the community, would u or are u just ALL talk. Are U truly ready for a divine mate or are u just selfish & don’t want the responsibility. Are u admiring a real queen from a distance, or are you man enough to approach her. Do u think u good all by yourself, or do you realize u need your queen to balance it all out & truly progress. Know yourselves men & women, come together in these times & build for our survival & rising & for the good of the community, or be alone in this beast world & take your chances, your choice. ASE 131313


Have you ever noticed that when you see a picture of an Ancient God or Goddess they almost always have long hair? Did you know that one of the first things they did to newly captured slaves was cut their hair? Why does the army as well as corporate america insist that men be clean shaven with short hair and women have straight (unnatural) hair? Is this an attempt to separate you from your higher self and make you a better servant to the “powers that be”?

Hair, Spiritual Energy and Intuition

Since the biblical story of Sampson and Delilah, hair has been equated with magical powers. Simply by ordering the locks to be cut from his head, Delilah rendered Sampson helpless and devoid of his superior strength. Was this just symbolic or were there actually spiritual and energetic properties at work?

According to U.S. Governmental studies conducted during the Vietnam War, a connection between hair and intuition was discovered. Groups of Native Americans were recruited for the war effort due to their demonstrated and unmatched tracking skills. However, once given the standard G.I. enlisted haircut, their previously tested skills were found sorely lacking.

Among the theories and explanations gained from this experience was that hair acts as a sort of antenna system. Each individual strand can act as an antenna while collectively hair serves as antenna array. It makes sense. How often has your intuition reached out to you by making the hairs on the back of your neck stand? This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “hair raising experience.”

Hair is also related to the energy of the aura. When viewed through Kirlian photography, there is a definitive energy field seen around the hair. Yet when hair is cut, the energy field appears to weaken. Could it be that hair not only acts as a sensor, but a transmitter? Hair obviously carries the energy of the wearer. In Victorian times and even earlier, women often gave their true love a lock of their hair. Could that have been more than just a memento?

Crowning Glory

Hair is often called a person’s crowning glory. While that term often refers to qualities like color and shine, spiritually it means so much more. The hair covers the crown chakra—our connection to Spirit or the Higher Self. It can serve as a reminder of our connection with the Divine. Think of it as a beautiful bridge between you and Source. Consider your hair as your conduit to the Universe.

So the next time you complain about those unruly locks, think of the spiritual power of your hair. Treat it lovingly and provide it with the utmost care. Let its beauty be a reflection of your true spiritual radiance.
Pic = Elohim


By bro Ras:

How can cheese be a food? Cheese bogs you down. Cheese produces mucus at an alarming rate. One of the biggest reasons why Americans don’t have energy is because MUCUS is so thick and won’t move. We have it from the top of our head to the bottom of our foot. Let me tell you some of the names they call it:
Yeast Infection
Strept Throat
Athlete’s foot

They are all the same thing. Its the same waste coming from a different place in the body. You know why they name like this? To sell you a remedy!
A natural remedy from the Earth is called Mullein Leaf. Mullein herb softens mucus everywhere and gets it out by perspiration. One of the reasons Americans can’t lose weight is because they can’t perspire. They use petroleum based products, eat dairy products that creates a layer of puss under the akin and wear synthetic clothing that don’t breath. The largest channel of elimination is the skin.
A lot of times when a person lies down in their bed or more times in a hospital bed, they will develop a mucus cough. The body is trying to eliminate the build-up but the mucus has overflowed into their lungs and windpipe. Reminds me of a death rattle in their voice.
Anyway this post is about consuming a food that is not made for humans to eat. The molecular structure is too large for consumption that is the reason cows weigh up to a ton. It is made for a cow’s calf not for human body builders!

Ase 131313


I am particularly disseminating this valuable information to the Queens out there who have been suffering Hypothyroidism, that continue the body signals of cold feet, cold hands, dry skin, weakness, swelling of the eyelids, excessive menstruation, weight gain, infertility, hair loss, poor vision and so many other impairments. Although our Kings have some of signs of Thyroid issues, it has not been as vital as it is in our Queens.

Now, the thyroid gland is like the gas pedal in your body, and the adrenal gland is the fuel pump, but the thyroid warms the body up getting your metabolism going. In women, an underactive thyroid gland impairs her metabolism therefore, body heat is dependent on the burning of fat converted from sugar. She could be having different hormonal imbalances like irregular menstrual cycles or depression. Did you know the thyroid helps support the breast, uterus and ovaries? Yes, well the thyroid gland is 1 inch and 1 ounce and sits in the middle of your neck. It takes its orders from the pituitary gland, which is the smallest and the most powerful gland of the body. Now the pituitary gland sits about 2 inches back from the center of your eyes. It releases a hormone called TSH which stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. It tells the thyroid to make thyroxin, the first one being T4. T4 is not as active as the second one which is T3. Not to get technical but T4 gets converted into T3.

The reason people develop Hypothyroidism is because Thyroid conditions stem from a lack of IODINE. It is reported that 1 out of 50 women is diagnosed with Hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Also 6 out of every 100 miscarriages are associated with thyroid hormone deficiency. My analogy of Iodine, I would say is the body’s police force guarding the brain and mind, and the office is the thyroid gland. Iodine guards the brain by destroying harmful toxins and increases assimilation in certain salts for our normal metabolism.

What do you need? Of course, Iodine but organic iodine is most beneficial for normalizing and regulating metabolism, relieving pain of fibrocystic breast, protection against toxic effects from radioactive materials ,helps metabolize excess fat and is most important for physical and mental development. You get the highest source of iodine from sea vegetation such as seaweed, kelp, dulse, chlorella. It supplies us with every nutrient we need for optimal health. You don’t have to eat fish as a source of iodine, let them live and eat what they eat to get your natural iodine. Other foods that are high in iodine are alfalfa, kale, spinach, brussel sprouts, etc. I say the darker the green the sweeter the iodine. Lol

Before I close, Americans love to eat their white rice, white sugar, pasta, pizza, meats, macaroni cheese; all the things that devoid of nutritional value so they suffer from iodine deficiency. We have to stop this epidemic tradition. Soy and gluten is depleting us of vital nutrition. … And before I forget my Queens get yourselves a dechlorinator on your shower head. This will eliminate chlorine from antagonizing your thyroid. If you are a swimmer, bromine and chlorine also adds toxins to thyroid gland…… The doctor has no idea what to do so they prescribe a synthetic pharmaceutical called Synthroid which is a poison that will not help the thyroid gland. It will eventually destroy your T4 production from converting to T3 and killing your thyroid.

Every thyroid condition can be reversed or healed with natural iodine. You must give the body the raw materials it needs and the body will do the rest. Remember, the herbs have the same Creator as the Air, Water ans Sun. Your body is too great of a commodity to leave in the hands of others. SO LET’S TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES! By bro. Ras Ase 131313 great info!!!



I just took this pic, I call it the woman in the moon, I was floored looking at this, afro, eyes, mouth! Wow, I was drawn to it, this is thru the clouds, Ase Amazing!!!


Honestly, im not here to gain a fan base but to share & it’s ok if u don’t like my posts, I don’t need your approval, I share using this medium while I can, I can lead u to the water/ Intel the rest is up to u, Ase im feeling the urgency, the hour is near, the awakening in small numbers is happening, it’s a great time to be alive & a part of this Ase


This is serious business family, we gotta cleanse them monster parasites from our bodies from years of abuse, no matter how you eating, let’s get healthy, right & clean. Get back to nature, stop eating all flesh, including seafood, junk foods, toxins of all sorts, dairy, drugs, smoking, alcohol, etc. Demons will find any opening into our bodies & souls, let’s stop them in their tracks! Take back our health, so we can rise properly, ase 131313 I share because I care watch this informative video about it, then order a parasite cleanse, ase. Video: website to order parasite cleanse:


Ok, here goes, let me start off by
lmmmmfao!!! Ok so this sistah was dropping sum Intel right, I didn’t know she ate seafood! She posted a message like she was defending weave wearers, sports watchers, then said, I don’t eat meat but I eat seafood, lol really, I don’t trust no meat eaters or seafood eaters!!!! Flesh is flesh!!! How stupid can u be to think fish is not a part of meat!!! I quickly blocked her! How u think u can drop Intel doing that, u confused if u think this is cool & deceived by demons! I just gotta be raw & honest!!! There are very few dropping Intel that’s really real & don’t eat flesh of any type, I don’t consume NOTHING! With eyeballs & organs! & if u do plz excuse yourself! Don’t share Intel with people because U ain’t right!!! Da13thsun is right about the 15% maybe now it’s less than that!! People plz get your facts right! You are being deceived by demons!!! This is a war of the unseen realms! Things are wrapping up!!! You will get left behind thinking this is ok!!! Sum people say they vegetarians or vegans but still eat seafood!!! Smh I’m done with you half steppers!!! 131313!!!


I’m inspired by Michael Jackson’s song, U are not alone, here’s my words, We are not alone, They are here with Us, Never far away, They are here to stay, We R not alone, ohmmmm ohmmm ohmmm, repeat, like a mantra, a meditation, Ase 131313 😀


The movie “Queen of the Damned” Aaliyah: A+ali+yah = A Elevated God..
She plays a Queen named Akasha
Akasha – Nakash – Serpent , Wise..
When she walks she moves like a serpent.. Hmmm…

Go back & watch, notice how she is awakened out of her slumber ..Music..
Thru sound, thru high vibration. That high frequency resonated with her. Also she was the most powerful one, she created them all, then they drained all her blood & killed her, hmmm makes ya think, they know where the deep power is & still till this day, they tryna squash the woman.


Words except Nubian by brotha Ras: Nubian PEOPLE KILL THEIR VEGETABLES, especially those who love soul food. They get their Collard Greens, Mustard Greens or Turnip Greens and they think are eating healthy…Lol. COOKING IS KILLING!! They kill it until it becomes limp and not a trace of crispiness. Nothing nutritious and no enzymes whatsoever. Did you know your vegetables should not be killed in temperatures of 118 degrees and above? Soul Food lovers add obesity to their vegetables by using SALT (Morton’s) a synthetic Sodium that is technically a processed crude oil with other chemicals. What are you eating?

I can’t lie, growing up in the hood I used to eat this MESS and my mother would turn on her SOUL music and throw down in the kitchen. Back then we didn’t know better, we were living by unconscious choices and by default. Some of you still eat this way, knowing that it’s causing ailments in your body like water retention, hypertension, kidney disease, high cholesterol and so on. This stuff is DANGEROUS! How the food is prepared and the chemical ingredients used are what make the food dangerous. Yes, it tastes helluva good (due to fooling the palate), no doubt! But again, it’s dangerous! No wonder so many black people have so many cases of mucus-filled diseases that end with the suffix ‘itis’ that Nubian people are struggling with, from colitis, hepatitis, prostatitis, vaginitis, tendonitis, arthritis, and other “itis” diseases.

Please get away from this rudimentary diet called Soul Food in which Black people were supposed to grow out of and advance up the dietary ladder. Know that your health is determined by the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. Time to wake up!


Check the pics out fam! 131313

In one of the pics, Left: South Africa giant footprint in granite from many thousands of years ago. There are several of these footprints around the world but strangely they aren’t talked about too much in U.S. government supported historical museums or societies.(Because all giants are highly melanated)

Right: Michael Tellinger, has found an actual petrified finger in cretaceous limestone, which belonged to a “prehistoric” hu-man. An MRI showed this to be consistent with hu-man tissue complete with joints.


It’s all written, sum ignore it

Ezekiel always spoke of non-hu-man intelligence and their spaceships, it’s recorded in the Bible as well.

Ezekiel speaks: Ezekiel 1:4″ As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great “cloud”, with *brightness around it*, and fire *flashing forth continually*, and in the midst of the fire, as it were *gleaming metal.”* (Spaceship )

Ezekiel 1:16, 17 “Each was a wheel within a wheel, that *did not turn*, nothing upon their sides. ” (Spaceship)

Ezekiel: 1:26 “There were *crystal domes* on top of the *flying wheels*.” (Spaceship )

Ezekiel 1:18 “The *rims*of the wheels had *eyes all around them*”. (Spaceship )

Ezekiel 1:4, 10:2 “*The strange fire beneath them were cold*”. (Spaceship)

Ezekiel 1:4, 1:28 “*Each produced a cloud and bright rainbow colour*”. (Spaceship )

Ezekiel 1:24 “Each of the *four flying Cherubim made sounds like running water* “. (Spaceship )

Ezekiel 1:26 “There was “something ” that “resembled men on thrones* on top of the crystal domes”. (Extra-terrestrials and spaceship )
